You ask, challenging me across the table.
Sipping my coffee,
carefully weighing my words,
I wonder how to couch my response
to someone so convinced of the opposite opinion.
(I stare off into space for a moment, then respond.)
Haven’t you seen news footage
of glaciers melting in the Arctic
or read news reports of dwindling numbers
of polar bears searching for food
where once there was enough
to sustain thousands?
What do you think causes this?
Do you think this is all just another one
of your conspiracy theories
or something made up
to sell papers or electric cars?
Give me a break!
The tear in our ozone layer is real (for crying out loud)!
What else do we have to protect us
from the sun’s fiery gaze?
Where do you think
all the carbon emissions
from all the factories and cars
To some magical filtering station in the sky?
Why, in the name of heaven,
Do you think that way?
Don’t you know
That there are consequences,
and that the Earth
is paying for our selfishness???
Open your eyes, my friend!
Take a deep breath.
Can’t you taste the particles
just hanging in the air,
waiting to reek havoc
on every living thing that needs oxygen
to live,
on our very living Earth that needs balance
to survive?
— Copyright 2011. Elizabeth A. Maginnis
If you could e-mail me with a few suggestions on just how you made your blog look this excellent, I would be grateful.
Credit goes to my fabulous web designer, Joanie Springer at Balsamic Moon. Please feel free to use my name if you decide to contact her.
You certainly deserve a round of applause for your post and more specifically, your blog in general. Very high quality material
Whoa! Thanks! You’ve made my week!