My adorable granddaughter is off to kindergarten, ready to face the world. Wasn’t it only last month that she learned to walk? Then it hits me, again. Time really does fly. It flew when my own children were little; it flew much more quickly now.
Today is the first day of my new daily routine, which goes like this: breakfast, morning news, writing. (I can’t complain about the two-second morning commute.) Then I take the dogs out, clean a bit, exercise, stop for lunch, and return to my desk in the afternoon. Occasionally I will mix things up with a French lesson or play my violin or piano for a bit of creative variety, to keep my brain fresh.
Focus, discipline, purpose. My workday mantra. Purpose. Don’t we all need it? Now that my granddaughter’s in school and my daughter no longer needs me to watch her on a daily basis, it’s time for the next phase of my life to begin.
What a nice schedule, and having the time to mix it up a bit is even better.